Call to Qatar from landline, mobile or voIP
For cheap calls to Qatar dial our access number 955170000 from your land or cell phone and then dial
00 + Qatar prefix + number you want to speeak to.

The cost for your calls to is always billed per seconds. Your funds never expires and you can call to landlines and mobile phones.
Remember you cal also use your account to call using VoIP
Your calls to destinatino will show your CLI ( Caller Line Identification ) in a way the called party will know who is calling.
If you frequently dial the same destination international number calling to Qatar you can use our free service for direct forwarding, and we will assing you a
geographic number that directly will connect to the destination phone.
If you call from Spain to Qatar dial 955170000 + 00 + 974 + number of Qatar you want to talk to.
Ir you like to press less numbers in your phone keypad ask us for geographic short numbers for Direct Access and your call to the assigned number will connect
you to your destination called party.
Calls to Qatar from your landline or mobile
Dial 955170000 + 00 + 974 + Qatar number
How to call to Qatar using
Direct Access
Just dial the assigned direct number for you for your prefered destinations
How to call using VoIP
Ask us for your login and password credentials.
Configure your credential in your SIP phone ( you can use any hardware SIP phone like Lynksys SPA-2100, SPA-3000, etc as well as Lynksys series 6 y 9000, Grandstream, Polycom, etc )
Also you can use SIP on softphones like Ekiga, SIPDROID, SIPHON, Zoiper or Viber on your cell phone.
On the GATEWAY or SIP server enter SIP.ZONNOX.COM to register with us.
You can optionally dial 00, or you can directly dial the prefix + number of Qatar
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